
Sunday, 26 October 2014

La Casa @ Publika

The very first time I went to Publika, my dad dropped me off.

Remembering how impossibly far it was from my place, it never came across my mind to ever go there again. Let alone drive there by myself.

But I finally did drive there alone with my friend, who didn't know the way as well. LOL. We were both just cluelessly following my GPS and turned out my GPS led us the really long way, so I was driving for almost 2 hours. 

It was like a surprise adventure to the far far beyond. 

We finally wound up at Publika and decided to dine in this cozy little place.

The decorations were very wooden and like most popular cafes these days, had a vintage theme to it.

I ordered this - beef sausage, with eggs en cocotte (which literally means eggs in pots) and gnocchi, served with fresh rocket leaves and cherry tomato salad. (RM 26++)
Gnocchi are the little potato-looking dumplings on the plate. They are little round doughs that can be made from flour, potatoes, eggs which is the basic recipe.
Apparently, many of their items are handmade, and this includes their sausages and breads. 
Hence you can taste the authenticity, plus experience the freshness of their foods.
These beef sausages were certainly beautifully made, and so were the gnocchi which were fluffy and fragrant.
The eggs en cocotte were basically in layman terms baked eggs and vegetables covered with melted cheese.

Kris ordered this - baked beans and chicken shreds topped with two sunny side up eggs, served with fresh bread on the side. (RM 20++)
The chicken and baked beans did not taste like the typical chinese baked beans mums would cook at home.
It had a little extra something to it, probably the smell of the spices they used, which made this little pot quite a treat to eat.

Kris wasn't in to it though. So if you are yearning to try something special or different definitely try their other sets. 
If you still do not know what to choose, sometimes the prices speak for itself.


Pretty average for a restaurant located in Publika. However for the quality and considering La Casa serves a fusion of Italian cuisine, it is not bad. Prices for their sweet delicacies are however quite pricey, as the cakes and tarts are small.


Service was efficient and the waiter was really nice and considerate.


My taste buds were tingled with excitement. Great experience, as alot of things like the gnocchi and eggs en cocotte were pretty new to me. 
Loved how healthy my brunch set felt, with fresh salads and even more vegetables inside the baked eggs.
If you do not like greens, here's a heads up so you can know what to expect.


You can certainly find a parking here. But beware. You need to remember which elevator you came up from. And you need to specifically use that same elevator to get back down. Or you'll end up like me, lost in the middle of a parking lot.

Would I return?

Yes! Would love to try more of their food as their menu is pretty extensive. And also the desserts next time perhaps.

Where to find them?

La Casa
A4-G2-7, Solaris Dutamas, Kuala Lumpur
Tues-Fri, 11am-10pm; Sat-Sun, 10am-10pm. Tel: 03-6211-8875
Closed on Mondays

Stay tuned! 
I have more food posts coming haha because I've been finally going out! 
Coupled with trying to take people less seriously, and trying to care less :)